
national partners

  • AllEnvi – French national alliance for research on environment
    CDEFI is an associate member of AllEnvi, the French national alliance for research on environment. A CDEFI representative attends the alliance scientific steering committee and CDEFI has appointed experts who attend the alliance workshops.
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  • ALLISTENE – Alliance of digital sciences and technologies
    The Alliance of digital sciences and technologies is a research alliance created in 2009. It brings together the major national players in digital sciences and technologies: Inria, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French alternative energies and atomic energy commission (CEA), the French University Presidents’ Conference (CPU), the French Telecom Institute and CDEFI, with the task of coordinating and scheduling public research in the field.

    CDEFI is a founding member of ALLISTENE. The Conference is in charge of the alliance international relations and has appointed experts who participate in the workshops.
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  • ANCRE – National alliance of research coordination for energy
    Created in July 2009, the National alliance of research coordination for energy is placed under the responsibility of the Agency for the environment and energy management (ADEME) and is keen to promote new energy technologies. The aim of ANCRE is to reinforce partnerships between public research bodies, universities and businesses, propose multi-annual R&D programs and facilitate the adoption, by producers and consumers, of best practices relating to energy, which respect the principle of sustainable development. Its founding members are the CEA, the CNRS, and the French Petroleum Institute (IFP). CDEFI is one of the 15 associate members of ANCRE.
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  • ARTE Campus
    ARTE Campus is an online platform owned by the ARTE Group that is intended to enable an easy access to culture and knowledge for higher education professors and students. The service includes a website hosting more than 1,500 videos from the TV channel's catalogue, innovating educational tools (recommendations,  mind maps creation, multimedia text annotations, etc.) and features for the learning of languages and foreign cultures. 
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  • BNEI – National board of engineering students
    The national board of engineering students aims at uniting and representing the 95,000 engineering students enrolled in French schools of engineering. The BNEI association is managed by voluntary students. In France, it is the only organization that unites the schools of engineering students, therefore being their voice. The BNEI regularly organizes meetings and debates about student life and regarding the stakes of the current reforms. It speaks in the name of all engineering students to social and government organisms related to their sector, to ministries, industrials, etc.
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  • CEA – The French alternative energies and atomic energy commission
    The French alternative energies and atomic energy commission is a government-funded technological research organization established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA mission statement has two main objectives: to become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future.
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  • CEFI – Center for engineering training and employment studies
    National center of expertise about training and careers, CEFI was established in 1976 by both Industry and University French ministries in order to create a research center on engineering training and careers. In 1978 CEFI became an association, closely related to the IESF - the French engineers and scientists association.

    The CEFI ambition is to benefit from an unparalleled strategic position at the crossroads of public authorities, professional, technical and academic sectors, to carry out its mission of observation, analysis, research and international comparison and to become a national center of expertise on engineers training and careers.
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  • CNRS – National center for scientific research
    The French national center for scientific research is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. Founded in 1939 by a governmental decree, the CNRS has the following missions: to evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits for society, to contribute to the application and promotion of research results, to develop scientific information, to support research training and to participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy.
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  • CTI – Commission des titres d’ingénieur
    The CTI is a French independent body fully involved in the development of the European Higher Education Area, established by the French law in 1934. Its missions are to evaluate and accredit higher education institutions in the fields of engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, project management, etc.; to develop the quality of engineering education; to promote engineering curricula and careers in France and abroad.
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    EducPros is the leading website for news and services for higher education executives, offering both a high quality news feed and a full range of services to facilitate and support decision-making (e.g. an advanced search engine for universities, 500 leading higher education personalities bios as well as a full directory of higher education executives, etc.).

    EducPros, which is the BtoB brand of L'étudiant group, organizes monthly thematic conferences in Paris and learning expeditions abroad. is enriched every day with articles, reports, surveys, opinion columns and regular contributions of a community of 50 bloggers, all experts, stakeholders or senior decision makers of Higher Education. A significant portion of EducPros editorial is about strategic innovation, and economic and educational upheavals by digital revolution.
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  • Elles bougent
    Elles bougent is a voluntary association whose purpose is to attract young girls to engineering careers. It organizes various events (forums, conferences, tours, fairs, etc.) in which women engineers present their jobs to high school girls and young students.
    Elle bougent's partnership with the CDEFI includes the Ingenieuse initiative.
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  • The INSA Group
    The INSA Group is a network of French engineering schools. It comprises seven INSAs (National Institute of Applied Sciences) based all around France, as well as several independant partner schools. 
    Playing a significant role in engineering education in France, the INSA Group is involved in research and innovation and promotes diversity among engineering students. 
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  • IESF
    IESF is the French representative federation of professional engineers and scientists. It brings together a large majority of engineers and scientists through 180 associations of alumni. IESF promotes values of the engineering profession, French engineering diplomas, and French engineering jobs. IESF is a member of the European and World organizations FEANI and FMOI.
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  • Inria
    Public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s 3,449 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future.
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  • InTech
    InTech is a people-centered digital services company that specializes in custom-made tools conception in various areas. Responding to difficulties encountered by their Higher education partners, InTech created the platform to allow them to maintain their events online thanks to an all-in-one evolutive solution.
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  • The French as a Foreign Language Quality label
    The French as a Foreign Language Quality label is the result of a quality-assurance approach undertaken by three French ministries: the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture and Communication, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are members of the Interministerial Certification Committee, which awards the label.

    The French as a Foreign Language Quality label was set up by decree in 2007 to identify, recognize, and promote centers of French as a foreign language of which the language offer Quality label is the result of a quality-assurance approach undertaken by three French ministries: the Ministry for Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Culture and Communication, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are members of the Interministerial Certification Committee, which awards the label.
    The French as a Foreign Language Quality label was set up by decree in 2007 to identify, recognize, and promote centers of French as a foreign language of which the language offer and the services present guarantees of quality.
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  •, as a reference for students and for their parents, provides news coverage of the student world, and personalized advice as well as exclusive rankings and surveys. It offers every year, when exams approach, studying methods, the results and corrections of the BAC and Brevet.

    Le also provides internships, jobs and training offers. It brings together more than 1.2 million unique visitors.
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  • ONISEP – National office of information about education and careers
    The French national office of information about education and careers is a public organization under the responsibility of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. As a public publisher, ONISEP produces and disseminates all information about trainings and careers to students, parents and education professionals.
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  • TechPourToutes programm
    Announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne at the VivaTech trade fair, TechPourToutes is a programme designed to attract young women to training and careers in the digital sector.

    The programme is run by the Inria Foundation, with its founding partners Femmes@Numérique, France Universités, Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE) and CDEFI, and is overseen by the Minister for Higher Education and Research and the Minister responsible for Gender Equality , Diversity and Equal Opportunities.
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  • N+i Network
    The n+i network is a consortium of over 50 French schools of engineering which have been elected to combine their international cooperation operations so as to offer a better service to foreign students.

    The n+i network is a non-profit public association which has created a complete program to help science and engineering students and young engineers wishing to study for a Masters or a PhD in France.
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  • Techniques de l'ingénieur
    Éditions T.I. publishes the most important technical and scientific documentary resource in French, Techniques de l'Ingénieur. For more than 70 years, these resources have been used both in the academic world - by students, teachers and researchers - and the industrial world, in development projects, providing a tailor-made response to the most complex problems.
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international partners

  • AUF - The Francophone University Agency
    The Francophone University Agency (AUF) brings together 944 universities, colleges, university networks and scientific research centres that use the French language, in 116 countries. Founded almost 60 years ago, it is one of the largest associations of higher education and research institutions in the world. AUF is the official representative of the higher education and research sector at the Francophone Summit. The agency has responsibility for implementing resolutions relating to higher education adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government that use French as a common language.

    The AUF is one of the main partners of CDEFI's Ingénieuses operation, especially for the prices of the woman engineering student in France and Maghreb. 
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  • BCI - Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire
    The Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire is a private organization comprising, on a voluntary basis, Quebec’s 18 universities.

    Founded in 1963, BCI was incorporated in 1967 as a non-profit corporation. It has a special relationship with the government for all questions concerning university life.
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  • Campus France Agency
    Campus France Agency was created by law on July 27th 2010. It is a public institution in charge of promoting higher education and managing the reception and international mobility of students, researchers, experts and guests.
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  • CFQCU – The France-Quebec university cooperation council
    The France-Quebec university cooperation council aims at supporting academic cooperation between French and Quebec universities by setting up mobility programs for teachers and researchers and creating strategic partnerships in terms of education and research.
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  • Fulbright Commission
    The Fulbright Commission or French-American Commission fosters mutual cultural understanding through educational exchange between France and the United States. The Commission grants scholarships to French and American students, young professionals and researchers.
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  • The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
    The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs is the French authority in charge of implementing the external policy of France and guaranteeing the relationships within the European Union.

    The missions of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs are: to inform the French President and its government about the evolution of the international context and the situation of foreign states; to define the great orientations of the French external policy; to carry out and coordinate international relations; to protect French interests abroad and to assist French citizens outside the territory, through the consulates.
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  • OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
    The mission of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.

    The OECD’s Higher Education Program has established a permanent forum in which education professionals can exchange experiences and benefit from shared reflection, thought and analysis in order to address the issues that concern them.

    The Program’s work has a global reach and includes monitoring and analyzing policy making; gathering data; and sharing new ideas, as well as reflecting on past experience. These activities assist members to contribute to the development of higher education internationally, nationally and locally. The Program’s strategic position within the OECD provides members with a recognized international network, drawing together higher education professionals, leaders, policy makers, managers and researchers.
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  • SEFI – European Society for Engineering Education
    SEFI is an international non-profit organization established in 1973 in accordance with the Belgian Law. It was founded by 21 European Universities. SEFI is the first example of an association directly linking the institutions of higher engineering education, hence independent of national and/or community filters in establishing its policy, as an international forum for discussing problems and identifying solutions relating to engineering education. SEFI is the largest network of institutions of higher education, individuals, associations and companies in Europe.
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  • French-German University
    The French-German University plays a role of expert in the French-German university relations. Its mission is to reinforce cooperation between France and Germany in the Higher Education and Research fields. To achieve its goals, the French-German University promotes relations and exchanges between French and German higher education establishments, especially to ensure the implementation of binational curricula and French-German programs in the fields of doctoral training and research.
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  • French-Italian University
    The French-Italian University was created by a common initiative of Italy and France in 1998 in order to reinforce the cooperation relations that unite both countries in the scientific and academic fields. It plays an active part in the implementation of trainings leading to joint degrees or double degrees.
    The French-Italian University also supports innovative research projects.
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