The French Schools of Engineering data

In order to rationaliSe the processing time of the numerous press surveys on Engineering Schools, on 18 September 2015, CDEFI members decided to develop a database of French Engineering Schools’ indicators ("données des écoles françaises d'ingénieurs", or DEFI, in French). That database allows media to access global data related to schools’ activities to feed their different rankings and files.
In June 2016, in close cooperation with the CGE and the CTI, CDEFI has launched a
portal of data after numerous meetings and working sessions with a steering committee.
These data were initally named "press data" but this term was changed into the French schools of Engineering Data in September 2020.
Objectives of the web portal
- to bring together all the questions asked by the different press organs;
- to provide journalists with the necessary information for all the rankings and articles on the activity of Engineering Schools;
- to reduce the time spent by schools answering press requests (a single input feeds several surveys);
- to feed studies on Engineering Schools.
Steering committee
The steering committee includes representatives of CDEFI, the CTI, and the CGE as well as seven networks of Engineering Schools: FESIC, the Gay-Lussac Federation, the INP Group, the INSA Group, ParisTech, the Polytech network and the UGEI.
A compilation of the CTI and press organs questions, as well as a vade-mecum to assist schools in completing the questionnaire, was produced. After a nine months work and an experimentation carried out by twenty voluntary schools, the official opening of the portal took place during CDEFI's annual symposium on June 2 and 3, 2016.
Five campaigns of the French Schools of Engineering data have already been launched.
2023 Campaign
The eighth campaign includes a main survey and an additional survey on the overall number of students on September.
The additional data collection is now launched. It will end on October 23, 2023.
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